Emails to be sent with company logo instead of Factorial logo
Carlos Quesada
Emails such as "Time-off has been approved / requested" could be sent in a more personalized way including the company's logo and not Factorial's
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Amy Campbell
Emails or alert messages that are sent in general could be tidied up. They could be more professional looking with less emojis. The blocks where the information can be viewed by clicking it look odd, see below. This could be more like a button, it looks unfinished. They could be customised much further.
Pablo Germán Peña
Merged in a post:
Customization of workflow emails
Lisa Wagener
It would be great if workflow emails could be more customized, so that new ats candidates (for example) get not only factorial branded emails.
Pablo Germán Peña
Hi Lisa Wagener,
This is already possible in the Enterprise Plan to edit and personalize the standard workflows.
Here you have a link to the Help Center ->
And feel free to contact our support team if you have any question.
Lisa Wagener
Pablo Germán Peña: Hey Pablo,
this is not what I ment with personalize. As you can see here, the Emails we send are completely factorial-brandet:
It would be great, if we could set at least our logo instead of the factorial logo.
Is that possible?
Pablo Germán Peña
Lisa Wagener: Okay Lisa, Sorry for the misunderstanding. I merge to this one instead, that refers to change the logo of Factorial to your own logo in the emails.
Lucie Lavina - Product Expert
Merged in a post:
ATS candidate emails
Sarah Knights
Have the option to allow companies their own logo when sending emails to candidates from ATS feature
Lisa Wagener
Important! When a new employee enters the company it would be great to get personalized emails and not Factorial's. We are not going to use this function like this and that makes the tool less attractive.
Leonardo Mazzui
isso é essencial, é chato pagar por uma ferramenta sem poder ser personalizado com nossa cara
this is essential, it is boring to pay for a tool without being able to customize it with our guy